Friday, May 28, 2010

We're here!

Pulled up to the gorge last night around 10 WA time only to be denied by John Candy when we tried to check into our camping early. We got some random directions, which entailed acting as if we were going to a house but backing out last second, to the closest place to camp for free. We set up camp in a little drizzle, and as soon as we get the tent set up it starts pouring. Luckily we set up the "rain fly" and we proceeded to try and catch some shut eye. In the middle of the night we heard some swamp monsters stirring around in the lake we were next to but we reluctantly made it to sleep. Woke up the next morning with a message from don corlione, and we were sleeping with the fishes... Long story short the rain fly didn't work and we were all soaked. Got our camp packed up and now we are heading into the palatial to pick up some regalias. Over and out.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Well we did it! We drove through the night stopping only in SLC for about an hour and a half this morning to get a few winks of solid shut eye in the Subaru and stroll into the local Walmart to stock up on some nourishment for breakfast. Dylan and I were set on trying to find some platinum blonde mormons to carry our illegitimate sons. But no dice, there was none to be found. We are now back to a real state with 3.x percent beer and delicious potatoes, Idaho! As you can tell from the pictures Trista was not amused with salt lake city, but look how excited she is to see the Idaho sign!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

One step closer.

We are officially on our way to Sasquatch. Jenny is still taking a shit-piss of gas everywhere. So it looks like Ryan's Subi is gonna have to do. Sleeping in the subaru isn't gonna be very fun so we'll see just how quick it takes for our nerves to reach the brink. We've got a handle of bourban to keep our sanity if it comes down to it. Trista is just coming off of a UTI so her pee looks like Tang from the medicine and I'm coming off of strep so I'm loaded to the ceiling with painkillers and antibiotics. We'll we have a 22 hour drive ahead of us, which we are gonna do in one run hopefully. Wish us luck, I'll keep you posted.